How Well Do You Know Taylor Swift Songs and Albums?

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This quiz will tell you how well you know Taylor Swifts songs and albums. There will be questions that ask you which album a song belongs to and which lyric belongs to which song.

The quiz will get harder as you go further into it. It might be a bit harder for non-swiftie and newer swifties but just try your best. There are 13 questions because you know why…

Created by: LavenderGold33
  1. Lavender Haze is in…
  2. Which Song Is In reputation?
  3. Cruel Summer and You Need To Calm Down are in which album?
  4. Which album is You Belong With Me in?
  5. You're Losing Me belongs in Speak Now (TV)…. JK😂 Which one does it actually belong in?
  6. “This is me praying that this was the very first page” is from which song?
  7. Which line belongs to Getaway Car?
  8. Which song belongs to folklore?
  9. Christmas Tree Farm is in which album again?
  10. Which lyrics belong in “the last great American dynasty”
  11. Which song is on Taylor Swift (debut) album?
  12. Suburban Legends (FTV) is on which album?
  13. Last EASY question: What album is Blank Space and Shake It Off in?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Taylor Swift Songs and Albums?

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