How well do you know Pennsylvania??

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Ok so this quiz will see how well you know Pennsylvania and if you do good then you probably live in Pennsylvania cause I mean if you live in a state you probably know it well

So good luck I hope you do great cause I put a lot of effort in making the quiz also thank you for taking the quiz I hope you do well and again good luck.

Created by: Amelia
  1. What does Pennsylvania mean?
  2. Who is the founder Pennsylvania?
  3. Which one is a town in Pennsylvania?
  4. Which stands for Pennsylvania?
  5. Which is a store in Pennsylvania?
  6. Which is a popular town in p.a
  7. What is the state tree
  8. What's the state insect?
  9. What's the state game ๐ŸŽฎ bird?
  10. What's the state flower?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Pennsylvania??
