How well do you know One Tree Hill?

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There are only few people can be considered a One Tree Hill genius. Will you be one of those people...take the following quiz to find out if you are one of the few One Tree Hill genius.

Are you a One Tree Hill genius? I know I am, take the quiz below and you will find out or you need to go watch the show or if you are a pure One Tree Hill genius.

Created by: gracebryan04
  1. Who are the brothers in this TV Show?
  2. Who does Peyton end up with?
  3. Who does Broke end up with?
  4. Who shoots Keith in season 3?
  5. How many kids does Haley and Nathan end up having?
  6. What is Haley and Nathan's first kid's name?
  7. Who tries to kidnap Haley and Nathan's son?
  8. Does Nathan make it to the MBA at one point?
  9. What character makes a TV show based off of Broke's journal?
  10. What is the theme song of One Tree HIll?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know One Tree Hill?