How well do you know me?

Some people are friends and others are just people you know. What are you? Are you a good friend or are you just someone that I know in passing? Do you know enough about me to pass this test? So you think you know me? Take this quiz and find out.

You will soon find out how well you know me and if you dont, its becuase we dont talk enough and we dont hang out enough. Just take this test and it will tell you how much u know about me and how much more you want to know me.....good luck!

Created by: Kristin
  1. What is my Middle name?
  2. How many brothers do i have?
  3. Where was I raised?
  4. Who was my Best friend as a child?
  5. Who is my best friend now?
  6. Where did I FIRST attend college
  7. What activity was i NOT in while in high school.
  8. What do I enjoy doing the most?
  9. What do I love buying the most?
  10. What is the one thing i do everything nite before i go to bed?
  11. What activity was i NOT involved in, while in college?
  12. What is my chinchillas name?
  13. What is the one thing I do with morgan that i DONT do with anyone else?
  14. What secion was I in in concert band? (HS)
  15. What have I been listening to nonstop lately?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?