How well do you know me?

I wanted to see if people actually was listening to me when I told the people about what I like and everything. So I am quizzing you one it. Hehe!!!!!!!

I wanted to see if people actually was listening to me when I told the people about what I like and everything. So I am quizzing you one it. Hehe!!!!!!!!

Created by: batman12506

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What's my real name?
  2. Do I write poetry?
  3. What's my favorite sport?
  4. What's my favorite guitar?
  5. What hand do I write with?
  6. What's my favorite color?
  7. What do I love more, Batman or Pikachu?
  8. Ran out of question, so these don't count.
  9. I'd rather not
  10. Hehe last time I heard that I fell off my dinosaur
  11. Hehe Bob

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?