How well do You know Mario and Luigi Partners in Time?

Mario RPG's play a big role in Mario. There are almost 50 Mario RPG games! My all time favorite has to be Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time. Its really fun to play!

How well do YOU know Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time? The plot twists and funny puns can amaze you! Now's the chance to see how well you know the game.

Created by: Chandler Pierce Guyton
  1. What is the main problem of the game?
  2. What are the main enemies in the game?
  3. What is the main Boss in the game?
  4. How do you perform a jump
  5. Name an enemy:
  6. Another good title for this game would be:
  7. Which of the following is NOT an enemy:
  8. Which of the following is NOT an NCP (non-playable character)
  9. Name a location.
  10. Which of the following is NOT a boss:
  11. Which of the following is NOT an item:

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Mario and Luigi Partners in Time?