How well do YOU know Madame Bovary???

Have you READ Madame Bovary? It has been ranked the greatest novel ever written, and even though it was written in the mid-1800's, it seems very modern.

But do you know your Madame Bovary? Have you gotten the book memorized? Well, then just thank me for letting you find out! Please scroll down and begin clicking!

Created by: Frostfur168

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What was Emma's father's name?
  2. Charles bought a mare for Emma. What condition did the horse have?
  3. Who did Emma fall in love with first?
  4. While Emma is having an affair with Léon, what does Charles believe she is doing?
  5. In despair over ever gaining Emma's love, Léon goes where to study?
  6. What is Charles' first impression of Emma?
  7. In the early stages of Charles and Emma's wedding, Charles means well, but Emma perceives him to be...
  8. What is Rodolphe's last name?
  9. When Emma commits suicide, what poison does she swallow?
  10. Why does Emma commit suicide?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Madame Bovary???