How Well Do you Know Kingdom Hearts 2?

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Do you LOVE Kingdom Hearts 2? Do you play it to 100% completion, then PLAY IT AGAIN!?! Then this quiz is for you! Some excellent questions to see just how much you love it.

This Quiz includes trivia from Kingdom Hearts 2 and from Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix. I hope your ready to geek out!! FULL SPEED AHEAD!! GO GUMMI!!! BRING IT ON!!!!

Created by: Rydernort
  1. Who do you start as at the Start of the Game?
  2. What stat boost do you receive with the right-hand most struggle bat before Fighting Seifer
  3. what stat boost come from the champion Belt?
  4. What weapon does Axel Fight you with in the mansion?
  5. What is the easiest way to end the first nobody fight as Sora outside of the Clock tower?
  6. What Drive Form do you get from the Good Fairies?
  7. what ability comes with the Star seeker Keychain?
  8. What are the Hero's Crest Keychain Stats?
  9. What form comes from Disney Castle?
  10. What RC can be used against Barbossa during his combo?
  11. Why does the Oogie Boogie fight suck?
  12. What Keychain is received from the second visit to Twilight Town?
  13. Who does Sora bow to?
  14. Who saves Sora from Saix?
  15. Where can you find the Ultimate Recipe?
  16. What is the difference between the Japanese version and English version of Axel's Death?
  17. What is in the hidden chest before the laser bridge?
  18. What are the Ingredients for the Ultima Weapon?
  19. What can be obtained at any point after Roxas?
  20. What is the name of Xemnas's Armour?
  21. Where do Sora and Riku Go after the Final Xemnas Fight?
  22. What is the Keychain exclusive to the KH2FM Roxas fight?
  23. SECRETS AND FINAL MIX!!! What opens up after the Final Xemnas fight?
  24. What opens up after Final Xemnas
  25. What is Given by completing the Garden of Assemblage?
  26. What is Given by Defeating the Lingering Will
  27. What is given by getting B rank or higher on every Mushroom
  28. What are new synthesis items?(Sets are the four items of that name, IE: Blazing Shard, Gem, Crystal...)

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Kingdom Hearts 2?
