How Well do you know Kendall Schmidt

What is a genius? A genius is a person who is exceptionally intelligent or creative, either generally or in some particular respect. that can do anything.

Are YOU a genius? Do you have the power to work hard to be a genius some day. But thanks to this quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out how you did!

Created by: loveyou20032
  1. What is his birthday?
  2. What character did he play on Phil on the Future?
  3. What is his middle name
  4. Where is he from?
  5. True or False Was he on Without A Trace
  6. How many brothers does he have?
  7. What are his parents names?
  8. How many bands was he in?
  9. True or False He was on According to Spencer
  10. True or False He is friends with Dustin Belt?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I know Kendall Schmidt