Are You Smart? or Not?

A genius is exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.Are you ready to take the risk to find out if you are a Genius or not?

Are YOU a genius or just a plain Human Being? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title?a person who is exceptionally intelligent or creative, either generally or in some particular respect?

Created by: Night
  1. What is a term?
  2. What is PAG-ASA means?
  3. How many animals that Moises let in , In Noah's Ark?
  4. Who is the Founder of Apple?
  5. Who is the first Man that walked on Moon?
  6. What is the chemical symbol THAT Einstein discover?
  7. Are you smart?
  8. What is Rouge?
  9. What is Rouge?
  10. What do you like more SLEEPING OR STUDYING?
  11. Are you an Otaku or Simply a nerd?

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Quiz topic: Am I Smart? or Not?