how well do you know greek mythology/percy jackson?

this quiz is to test your knowledge on greek mythology and the fiction series base on it see how much you know! if youre possitively sure you know everything, go right ahead

if you are a fan of rick riordans click on this quiz and see how much you really know about your favorite series! this quiz will tease some of your brains!

Created by: michelle
  1. how did kronos kill his father?
  2. which 3 gods are the big three?
  3. which monster can shoot poison darts out of his tail?
  4. who is imprisoned under the weight of the sky?
  5. which monsters were using the forges of hephastus?
  6. who created anaklusmos?
  7. which monsters work for hades?
  8. who drives the taxi to camp half blood?
  9. who is the lord of whine?
  10. what are the tree spirits called?
  11. which is the god of the wild?
  12. what was the pact of the big three?
  13. who was trapped on an island because of her father?
  14. who got turned into a pine tree?
  15. who was leo valdez the son of?
  16. what is tartarus?
  17. tyson, percys half brother is a what?
  18. on the cyclops island, what guarded the golden fleece?
  19. grover, percys best friend is a what?
  20. who was mrs oleary

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Quiz topic: How well do I know greek mythology/percy jackson?
