How well do you know final destination 3?

Are you as big a fan of final destination 3 as I am? Probably not, but you can see. I'm really bored and skip the next paragraph......................


Created by: Bella
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the main accident in fd3?
  2. Who was the director of fd3?
  3. How did Ian die?
  4. Who played Wendy in fd3?
  5. What is ashlyn and Ashley's ALTERNATE death?
  6. Who is my favorite fd3 character?
  7. What year did fd3 come out?
  8. Who was Wendy's bf who died in the accident?
  9. What was the name of the thing that crashed that was filmed on?
  10. Did you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know final destination 3?