How well do you know Fieldy of Korn? (Hard)

Are you a real Fieldy fan girl? Are you absolutely obsessed with the underrated Korn bassist? Have you watched every single interview? Let’s see! I hope you enjoy!

Coming from the ultimate Fieldy fan girl, here is a quiz for my fellow fans. Possibly you’ll learn something new... This quiz will mostly be about his personal life.

Created by: Sabrina
  1. Let’s start off simple ! Middle name ?
  2. Birthday?
  3. True or false: Fieldy’s first tattoo was of a clown.
  4. What is the initial inspiration behind his nickname ?
  5. True or false: Fieldy regrets his 2002 rap album, and wished he didn’t do it.
  6. What is one thing Fieldy could eat his body weight in? (As said by head)
  7. Fieldy has what tattooed on his armpit ?
  8. What was his reasoning behind becoming a born-again Christian?
  9. On the train tattoo on his upper arm, who/what is in it ?
  10. True or false: Fieldy has spongebob tattooed somewhere on him.
  11. What was the reason he got violent with his wife ? (London)
  12. Why did Fieldy start doing speed in the early days?
  13. True or False: Fieldy’s family moved when he was 8 to Bakersfield.
  14. Where did he propose to his wife, Dena ?
  15. In his house, his children’s playroom is themed ___? (Late nineties)

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Fieldy of Korn? (Hard)
