How well do you know Dirty Dancing

There are many people who think they know this movie but do you? please please please please please take this quiz as I worked hard PLEASE and THANK YOU

please have fun on this quiz and comment what you think of it and maybe even your score :) also please tell your friends about the quiz and please make your own Dirty Dancing quiz then I will play :)

Created by: Drama queen1995
  1. What is baby's sister called
  2. What is Max's grandson called
  3. What is the name of the female dance instructor
  4. What did baby help carry to the staff party
  5. what was baby's real name
  6. The movie was made in 1987, but when did the story take place
  7. What is the hardest part of the dance ( from baby's view )
  8. who plays her farther
  9. who played Baby
  10. Who plays Johnny

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Dirty Dancing