How well do you know Alexander Hamilton and his life?

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Ello! My name is Ericat (not really it's my GTQ name) and I make quizzes! I normally make quizzes with different topics than this, and this is my first ever FACTUAL QUIZ!

So we all know Alexander Hamilton existed am I right? (If you don't then get oughtta here, not really, jk) But how WELL do you know Alexander Hamilton! Take this quiz to find out if you're a whiz!

Created by: Ericat of How well do you know Alexander Hamilton?
(your link here more info)
  1. What surprising thing happened when Alexander Hamilton was 10?
  2. What surprising thing happened when Alexander Hamilton was 12?
  3. What did Hamilton work for?
  4. What year was Alexander Hamilton born in?
  5. Which one of his sons died at 19?
  6. When did Philip Hamilton (Alexander Hamilton's son) die?
  7. When did James Hamilton (Alexander Hamilton's son) die
  8. When did William Hamilton (Alexander Hamilton's son) die?
  9. When did Alexander Hamilton's mother die?
  10. Alexander Hamilton was shot by Aaron Burr.

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Alexander Hamilton and his life?
