How well do you know Adrian Monk

There are many people who know what Monk, the TV show is but, some people don't. In this quiz, you will be tested to see if you are a true Monk fan. Good luck. :)

There are some people who know what Monk, the TV show is and some people who don't. Take this quiz and find out if you are a true Monk fan. Good luck. :)

Created by: PurplePants
  1. On Monk what is Adrian's real name?
  2. On Mony what was Adrian's first assistant's name?
  3. On Monk what was Adrian's second assistant's name?
  4. What Monk's old job?
  5. How did Monk's late wife die?
  6. How many episodes of Monk are there?
  7. What was Monk's late wife's name?
  8. When does Monk need wipes the most?
  9. How many times does Monk washes his hands?
  10. What medical condition does Monk have?
  11. Do you like Monk?
  12. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Adrian Monk