How Well Do You Delegate

Do you ever say things like these to yourself? "I'll do the best job here, so I'll do it myself." "He'll resent being asked, thinking I should do the work myself." "It's a boring job, so I'll 'lead by example' and do it myself." "It'll be quicker if I do the job myself." These are all common reactions to thinking about delegation. However, when you don't delegate you risk ending up with too much work, not enough time, and lots of undue stress. The belief that you can do it better and faster with fewer mistakes leads to a vicious cycle of too little time and too much to do. But on the other hand, when you delegate, you risk not having the job done properly.

So where do you instinctively find the balance? Do you choose not to delegate, and end up stressed-out and exhausted, or do you delegate, and risk errors and some frustration as a way of getting out of the not-enough-time-to do-anything-properly slump? Take this short quiz to explore how well you currently delegate. Your answers will show you if you need to improve. If you do, we'll direct you to some great resources that will help you.

Created by: Kylie Carlson
  1. I make a point of explaining clearly what needs to be done.
  2. I delegate things at the last minute.
  3. I delegate larger projects to teams of people, giving them appropriate responsibility and clearly defining their authority for decision-making.
  4. I provide directions at the start of the project and wait for expected results at the agreed end-point.
  5. If a task is directly related to my own objectives and priorities, I choose not to delegate it.
  6. I talk openly about consequences of missing deadlines and expectations.
  7. I delegate to anyone in the organization I figure could do the work.
  8. I use delegation as a mean of developing others' skills.
  9. I delegate work that is critical to the success of a project.
  10. I expect delegates to come to me with solutions to problems they encounter, instead of simply asking for more instructions.
  11. I delegate work that is confidential and sensitive in nature as well as other work.

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Delegate