HoW WeLL dO u KnOw TaRa?

how well can you really know someone? i mean really u may think you know someone and then take a quiz about them n realize that wow i really did not know that person well at all..

get ready to find out just how well you know tara..don don don.. i kno it frightened me too but we will get through it together.. just the two of us we can make it if we try just the two of us.. ok ill let u start now.. unless u want more singing

Created by: Tara

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is taras favorite color?
  2. what is taras desired profession?
  3. what kind of pet has tara always wanted?
  4. what is taras favorite food?
  5. where did i go to highschool?
  6. what is my brithday?
  7. what is my sister's name?
  8. who is my boyfriend?
  9. what is my brothers name?
  10. what race have i not been mistaken for?
  11. what is my middle name?
  12. where do i go to school now?
  13. finally.. what is my drink?

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