how weird are you

i am weird are you...find out by taking this quiz.if you are then that means you just found out that you're weird...good job

when you take this awesome will find out if you're weird like me or not

Created by: a random person
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is the leangth of your attention span?
  2. how many friends do you have?
  3. are they weird?
  4. i am going to ask crazy questions for a while...ok
  5. dbfvsafhjdsbfhrbh
  6. gfhuivtrjkgjcktr
  7. fhgbhtjrgbythbgfhg
  8. do you like to eat crayons
  9. do you belive in monsters
  10. are you glad im finished??

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Quiz topic: How weird am I