How Weird Are You?

If you think being "weird" is negative, you've got it all wrong. Being weird is being different, in your own way. Maybe your more quiet or more loud? Maybe your smarter or just a bit dumber? In this quiz, you find out if you are that stranger weirdo, or if your just normal!

Who'd want to be normal?? Not me. Being normal is fitting in, having the same opinion and basically being the same as everybody else. Nobody should want that! Stand out!

Created by: We1rd0_Gurl
  1. How popular are you?
  2. How would your friends describe you?
  3. Are you introvert, extrovert, or in-between?
  4. What are you average grades/marks?
  5. Favourite kind of music?
  6. What high school stereotype best suits you?
  7. What books have you recently read / currently reading?
  8. What are you currently looking for?
  9. What are your current grades? (If not these, pick closest
  10. In a conversation, how often do you say something that the other person / people are like "Uhm.. what???"?
  11. How obsessed are you with cats?
  12. How often do you judge other people?
  13. Do you think you're weird?

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Quiz topic: How Weird am I?

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