How Uber are you?

This quiz is a test to see how uber you are. Basically this is just to see if you are a hard core gamer. If you are then you pwn. If your not then your a noob.

Are you uber pwnzor? Find out and take this. Or you could turn out to be a regular nerd, a casual gamer, or a nerd. Answer honestly please and enjoy it I guess.

Created by: John Wallace
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your ideal game is....
  2. Your idea of a hero is...
  3. Your ideal way to get out of bad situations is...
  4. How well are you with computers?
  5. How do you feel if someone is better than you at a game?
  6. What happens when you get pwnt?
  7. How do you feel about others getting pwnt against you?
  8. How do you feel about this quiz?
  9. Uggh I have to make 2 more questions before I finish, click on either of the options it wont effect your score
  10. I have to make 1 more question before I finish, click on either of the options it wont effect your score

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Quiz topic: How Uber am I?