How troublesome are u?

Hey. I was really bored while making this quiz, so don't blame me if it sucks. i can't please everyone, or even any of my teachers, for that matter. just take this stupid quiz that i stupidly made while i was stupidly bored and get on with your life.

how troublesome are you?..are you 0% or 100% or somewhere in between?...uugghhh i really don't give a care. im only writing here cuz i have to. im really bored. hopefully this quiz will be fun for you!

Created by: kittykat
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. y are u taking this quiz?
  2. wat was the worst thing u ever did?
  3. u are in english class(or watever's the dominant language of ur country) and ur teacher calls u to her desk to yell at u. why?
  4. whats ur favorite store? (no effect)
  5. wats ur favorite band/artist?
  6. You've been called down to the principals office! why?
  7. You just got back ur final. Wats ur grade?
  8. wat ur favorite animal???
  9. so...heres a random question... wats on ur criminal record?
  10. Wats on ur permanent record (for school)?
  11. dont cheat. wat was the first question of this quiz that i gave u?

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