How tomboy are you

There are so many people who want to find out how much percent they are tomboy so that's why i made this quiz. I have always wanted to now how much percent i am and quizzes are fun to do on a rainy day. I hope you all get the score you want!

Are you a tomboy? Do you do all the things a tomboy would do? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz in just a few minutes you will find out if your really that tomboy.

Created by: Emily
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You spend most of your time...
  2. Your favorite color is...
  3. Where would you like to live...
  4. How many pets do you have...
  5. Most of your free time you...
  6. What do you think you will get on this quiz...
  7. Describe your style of clothing...
  8. Describe your friends...
  9. What sports do you like...
  10. Which do you prefer big city or out in the country...

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Quiz topic: How tomboy am I