Are you a tomboy? GIRLS ONLY!

In our society today many girls are classified as either tomboy, regular, or girly girl. While there is no real difference, many people think that there is.

Are you a tomboy? This is something girls between ages 5 and 12 think. Soon no one will care, but you may want to know. Take this quiz to find out! :-)

Created by: star
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. In your closet, you have...
  2. You have...
  3. You have had...
  4. You are planning a HUGE b-day bash. You invite..
  5. What music do you listen to?
  6. At lunch, you sit...
  7. You eat...
  8. Describe your typical weekend.
  9. Your room is...
  10. Last question is....

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Quiz topic: Am I a tomboy? GIRLS ONLY!