How Talented are you?

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"There are Many smart and talented people in this world, I wonder how talented you are, the results aren't to accurate, but it is a very good quiz anyway."

"Are you ready? do you really want to do it? Are you ready to find out if you have talent or not, it might be a shock, your talent might of been sleeping for Gen-orations, please take the quiz now!

Created by: tuna24

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Let's first see how smart you are. Which one of these answers listed here spelled right
  2. What do you do most? LISTED HERE
  3. Did you perform on stage before?
  4. Did you have any accidents in your past?
  5. How Talented are your parents?
  6. How much do you excersize?
  7. Here's another question to see how smart you are. Which one of these words is spelled correctly?
  8. What size are you?
  9. Did anyone tell you that you have talent?
  10. Do you smoke or take drugs?
  11. Are you ready for the results?

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Quiz topic: How Talented am I?