how swagtacular r u bro?

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do you think you are swag enough to take this quiz? do you want to find out and be bored out of your mind? WELL TAKE THIS QUIZ BECAUSE YOURE AMAZING AND I LOVE YOU.

i dont know what to say for this second pararaph except that my quiz is fun and i promise it means nothing dont take offense to it i swear ily all omg

Created by: bran
  1. do u liek pizza?
  2. whats ur favorite thing to do on a friday?
  3. do u have any pets
  4. do you think youre swag
  5. are you as lazy as i am
  6. favorite color?
  7. do you do any drugs?
  8. what do you want to be when you grow up?
  9. do you know who pewds is? (pewdiepie)
  10. do u think i should never do a quiz again raise ur hand

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