How strong are you?

Ever wondered how strong you are? Fitness is a very important part of our life, after all. Thanks to this quiz, you'll find out how strong you really are!

Are you strong and fit? Now don't worry if you find out you are not very strong; you can always improve your physical strength by simply exercising! This is just to see where you are at!

Created by: Yoyo23er
  1. How many push-ups can you do?
  2. How fast do you think you can run?
  3. How often do you exercise? (on average)
  4. What does your diet consist of?
  5. How many hours of sleep do you get on average each night?
  6. How much can you bench press
  7. How much weight can you lift?
  8. Do you eat breakfast?
  9. How do you feel about your body image
  10. Final question; do you suffer from any eating disorders? If so, which one?

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Quiz topic: How strong am I?