How stealthy are you?

Hello! You are about to take a quiz that will determine if you're not so stealthy or stealthy like heck! Have fun on this quiz! Tell me if you liked it.


Created by: Dominic
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you good at Gymnastics?
  2. Do you help your friends?
  3. Are you fast?
  4. Are you skinny or fat? (no offense)
  5. Are you tricky?
  6. Do you set up Decoys?
  7. Are you heavy?
  8. (doesn't effect your score)
  9. ?sdrawkcab klat ro epyt uoy naC
  10. How good are you at Hide and Seek? (be honest)
  11. Are you smart?

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Quiz topic: How stealthy am I?