How Snazzy Are You?

THere are many jazzy people, but there are very few people who are really, very truly snazzy? Do you think that you are snazzy? Are you? Are you really?

Do you think that you are possibly, in the tiniest littlest smallest bit snazzy? Do other people tell you that you are snazzy? Well take this quiz!!!!

Created by: Lila
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What word would you not know how to spell if it weren't written here?
  2. What do your socks look like?
  3. What color is your hair?
  4. What is your favorite color
  5. Why are you taking this quiz?
  6. Will you rate?
  7. Are you a leopard?
  8. I am therefore a leopard. If the world had fallen in on us right this very second, then I would be very excited and scared and nervous and I would be like "OMG! the world is falling down onus?" and then I would run around screaming, and dodging the pieces of world falling in around me, and start singing show tunes, while eating a pan full of barbecue sauce. Then, after that, I would sit o the ground and talk to a chili pepper, and say to him "Why hello there mr. chili pepper, how are you doing on this fine day, where the sky is falling in? Do you believe in the tooth fairy?" and then he would say "OH, really, the sky is falling?" in a bad fake british accent, and then the falling in sky would take mr. chili pepper, and I would be sooo sad.
  9. did you like that last question?
  10. Ready for your results?

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Quiz topic: How Snazzy am I?