How Snaggle are You?

In the scheme of life, does it really matter how Snaggle you are? What does it even mean? Probably not, but aren't you curious anyway? Take the quiz and find out...

This damn survey is making me write two paragraphs before it'll let me finsh so I'm just filling up space right not, I do have to get back to work eventually...

Created by: Crispy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is one plus twoskin?
  2. Turtle weiners are...
  3. peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly and a...
  4. PFF 2005, Christl came late, so Gidalya called her and asked her to pick _________ on her way...
  5. Where was the original Snaggle tarp painted?
  6. Where did the name Snaggle Rock come from?
  7. What is Harmony's mom's name?
  8. What is the preferred whiskey of Snaggle Rock?
  9. What is Dr. Bronner's made of?
  10. Aaardvarking is...
  11. Gathering of the Vibes: a)what did crispy wear on her head b)what did Eric wear while mudsliding
  12. The Jamie dance means...
  13. What chord is the best chord?

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Quiz topic: How Snaggle am I?