How Smart are you?Quiz by David Hunter

This quiz tells you if you are smart or not!If your Mind is worthy of its body!Lets hope it is because if it isn't ,well, tough louck, soldier!Good Luck!

Are you are smart person?Maybe,maybe not.You could find out right now!Although answer honestly,please! Any way, Random Fact:Einstien only started talking when he was 4!Oh my Gawd!

Created by: David Hunter
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What does "Opaque" Mean?
  2. When did you start talking?
  3. Which of these is NOT true?
  4. Superman is my Brother.
  5. Where are you in your Class/Career?
  6. What is your IQ?
  7. True or False:Plants are alive.
  8. What are/where your school grades?
  9. How long is your attention span?
  10. Ok...last question-
  11. Bye-Bye!

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Quiz topic: How Smart am I?Quiz by David Hunter