How Smart Are You? Lets find out!

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Hey, my name is J'layah I'm 13 years old and this is my first time making a quiz. I hope you enjoy. Positive comments only! lol hahah enjoy!!!! have fun, have fun and have fun!!

Good luck Good luck! I'll be back with riddles, true/false quizzes and more!! i honestly don't know how many people will take my quiz but soon i will find out.

Created by: J'layah Shepherd
  1. How many inches are in a foot?
  2. How many stop signs are there in Paris? (DON'T CHEAT)
  3. What is 50+2?
  4. What is the proper term for virginity?
  5. Which one is NOT a type of fish?
  6. How long can a Macaw Parrot live?
  7. Do people lie about their ages on social media?
  8. What ended in 2008? Hint: the answer is funny...
  9. What is a definition?
  10. True of False: This test is over?

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Quiz topic: How Smart am I? Lets find out!
