How smart are you?

Sorry for me bad vocabulary! THANK YOU!pllease give me pie!hehehehe I am cool you cool! whoot hoot! and i reall like pie so omg much causse! its awesome ness

Thank you so much i am very awsome! so are you! i dont like writting so ill get this ova with ! mamamia! thank you! in just a few minutes i will eat pie!

Created by: SPIKEHEAD
  1. which does NOT echo?
  2. How many noses does a slug have?
  3. What don't starfish have? EASY!
  4. Am i happy?
  5. Anatidaephobia is the phobia that...
  6. A bee uses how many muscles to sting you?
  7. Who invented pie?
  8. PICK E!
  9. what is poseidons power!
  10. athena's power?
  11. What am I scared of?

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?