How Sleepy Are You?

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Do you think you are quite sleepy? Do you like chilling out and relaxing on the sofa, instead of getting outdoors and walking around? Do you find it easy to snuggle up under those covers and doze off?

Let’s find out if you are really a sleepy person, with this super-quick quiz? Just answer five short questions, and finally get the answer you’ve been waiting for all your life… are you really lazy, or just naturally sleepy?

Created by: ravenclaw_slays
  1. What’s your favourite colour?
  2. What instruments do you like listening to?
  3. What drinks do you like?
  4. What are your hobbies?
  5. Do YOU think you are very sleepy?
  6. Now you can sit back and relax (because I have to put ten questions).
  7. Zzzzzzzz
  8. Zzzzzzz
  9. Zzzzzzzzz
  10. Yay you did it!

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Quiz topic: How Sleepy am I?
