How sensual are you?

"There are many sench people, but few true sensuals. Sensual is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a sench? A sensual is someone who has an extraordinarily sexual and captivating mind, is able to solve awesome problems, and see the world through an entirely sensual point of view."

"Are YOU a sensual? Do you have the senchpower to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this incredibly sensual quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!"

Created by: Dorey
  1. What would you classify as the most sensual part of your life?
  2. Binge-drinking and chain-smoking are sensual activities.
  3. Did you attend Ramapo College?
  4. I have seen at least five episodes of Dawson's Creek, Friends, Roseanne and/or The Golden girls.
  5. I have listened to at least two Panic! at the disco songs. and thorougly enjoyed the experience.
  6. Complete this sentence: "WHOPPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOPPER _________!!
  7. Do you need an inhaler after laughing for approx. 30 seconds?
  8. Partying in 17F, for me, was....
  9. Have you ever attended one of Dina Coronato's birthday bashes?
  10. Who said the following: "I can't believe you're not wearing any underwear. Are you?"
  11. Chinese food is sensual
  12. When I hear my jam I:
  13. When I think of "sench" I:

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Quiz topic: How sensual am I?