How Screw are you?

True Screws are becoming as rare as rocking horse droppings, this is your chance to prove how much of a dinosaur you've become or how far you have to go!!!!

Are YOU a true Screw? Have you seen and done it all, are you "Tommy time in" It's time to find out what you are now the dust has settled!!!!!! Try this fantastic and easy quiz and in just a few minutes you will know

Created by: Steve Crew

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Where did you learn your trade?
  2. Did you enjoy a drink in the New York Bar?
  3. What is a shout?
  4. How many times have you been divorced
  5. When is Christmas Day
  6. Where's the strangest place you've seen a mobile phone stored.
  7. Are you a
  8. Best Dress is...
  9. How many times have you been to court
  10. Is a late roll
  11. Will you retire at
  12. At bed time to you
  13. Will you retire at
  14. What time will you finish work tomorrow

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Quiz topic: How Screw am I?