How Saudi Are You??

Thank you so much for trying my Saudi quiz. If you score high, congratulations, you are true Saudi. If not, you are not!

Try your best and just have fun, don't take it so seriously okay! Hope you like your result!

Created by: 123456
  1. You Have How Many Brothers N sisters?
  2. When do you Sleep?
  3. How Many Hours do you Sleep at niGht?
  4. When Do you UsuaLLy Go Out?
  5. How Many 1st cousiNs do U haVe?
  6. How Many Times a WeeK do you Eat Rice n MEAT??
  7. How Many Hours you Spend daiLy on Da Phone??
  8. Do you AlwaYzZ JoKe?
  9. When you TraveL ,,, How Many BagSs do you taKe Per PerSon?
  10. Do you Eat InDoomi (noodles) N fi9fi9 ??(seeDs)?
  11. When you TraveL ... How much does your parents GivE you peR day??
  12. Do you HavE a CuZ or a Sis with the NaMes??
  13. Do you HAve Bags or uR cloths When you were a BaBy??
  14. How Many Drivers / Maids/Nannies do you have in your house ??
  15. How Many Cars Do you HavE in uR houSe??
  16. Are you a ???

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Quiz topic: How Saudi am I?? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Saudi Arabia Quiz category.