How Redneck Are You?!?

So many people in this world don't have a clue what is outside their big city lifes. Are you one of the few individuals who can proudly call yourself a redneck, declare yourself a cowboy, or aer you a city slicker.

Do you have the characteristics of the country folk? Do you need the fresh air to live? How good of a shot are you. Ever rode a horse? These questions along with more may tell you what category you fall under.

Created by: MEL
  1. Have you ever lived outside City limits?
  2. What is a weatherby?
  3. What Type of music do you listen to?
  4. What type of dog do you own?
  5. What type of car do you drive?
  6. How strong are you?
  7. What is a Headache-rack?
  8. If you had a choice, where would you live?
  9. How do you get to work?
  10. If you had a .357 revolver and 12 shots, at 20yds how many would hit a dollar bill?
  11. Do you own boots?
  12. How many shotguns do you own?
  13. When you are addressing a group of 40 people what do you use?
  14. Who of the following is NOT a NASCAR driver?
  15. What is Muddin?
  16. How many rifles do you own?
  17. Who is your dream date?
  18. Football is...
  19. Did you like this Quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Redneck am I?!?