Are you a Redneck

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Do you think your a redneck? Find out by takeing this quiz.

Just scroll down and answer the questions. Be honest and have fun with it!

Created by: Bill the Cowboy
  1. Lets start with an eassy one. You have $20 what do you buy?
  2. Finsh the redneck joke: You Might Be a Redneck If... You'v ever wore a "I'm with stupid" T-Shirt.
  3. Finsh the redneck joke: You Might Be a Redneck if you've come back from the dump with...
  4. Finish the redneck joke: You might be a redneck if You refer yo heaven as the big ______ in the sky.
  5. LAST Redneck Joke: You might be a redneck if you know more than 20 party tricks involving...
  6. You Drive...
  7. Your addict to...
  8. You like to read...
  9. Your favorite color is...
  10. You like to eat at...
  11. What Musical Instrument can you play?
  12. Do Hunt?
  13. Have you every ate a lard sandwitch?
  14. When you were young what did you Do?
  15. Do you think your a redneck?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Redneck