how random are you?

who cares about this i do not have time for this so i am just typing what i want to say ok ok la la la this is an awesome quiz so take it or else du du du

ya who cares so just stop reading and take the quiz so you can know how random you are so stop reading and please TAKE THE STUPID QUIZ thank you for not killing me for yelling at you

Created by: Annie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you walk into an icecream bar and choose...
  2. you walk into your fave hat store you just adore
  3. in art you love when..
  4. do your friends say your creative?
  5. what is (or is closest) to your fave color
  6. do you like it when poeple are off topic?
  7. do you like it when your friends goof around when your talking
  8. do you hate it when you stick to the same topic for a loooooong time?
  9. after school you.....
  10. how many poeple over the years have called you funny creative silly exct exct....

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Quiz topic: How random am I?