How Random Are You?

Randomness is a fairly common quality. But only few people would qualify as Random Rulers. Those people (such as me) are the kind of people that walk up to strangers and ask them thier faorite kind of cheese.

Are you a Random Ruler? Huh? Are you? Are you? Huh? Huh? Well since SOMEBODY won't answer my question, that SOMEBODY probably doesn't know. But, thanks to the awesomely random moi, you'll find out.

Created by: Pie_Lady

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which is funnier?
  2. You are taking a quiz online. The question is "Why are peanut butter/jelly sandwiches AWESOME?" you answer....
  3. Is your name Bobalobashamalamadingdong?
  4. Would you go on one of those japanese game shows where people dress in weird costumes and do INSANE contests?
  5. How would you write your name if it was.... Boy:Mike Girl:Emma
  6. Do you like pie?
  7. Which breakfast food do you like best?
  8. What do you put on a sandwich?
  9. What do you search online when you're bored?
  10. What is 1+1?

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Quiz topic: How Random am I?