How random are you?

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Some people are spontaneous, some people are unpredictable, and others are downright random! As in, what on earth are they thinking. On even the slowest and boringest [new word, yay] of days, random people can make life into a party!

Now the real question is this: Are you randomer ['nother new word, yayy] than a random number generator? Are you on par with the rest of society? Have you passed, beyond reason, the normal level of randomness?

Created by: weird_shtuff_94

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Welcome to my random quiz! How old are you?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. Do you have any siblings?
  4. Are there any pets in the house?
  5. High-five for anyone who got the Zim quote!! ... If you didn't ... FAIL. Moving on... If someone gave you a million dollars right now, what would you do with it?
  6. How random do you think you are?
  7. If someone passed out right in front of you, what would you do?
  8. If red houses are made out of red bricks and yellow houses made out of yellow bricks and blue houses made out of [you guessed it] blue bricks, what are green houses made out of?
  9. When you're alone, do you find yourself talking/humming/singing to yourself?
  10. What's your favorite color?
  11. What is your stereotype?
  12. If Miley Cyrus said it was cool to poke your eyes out with a fork, would you do it?
  13. Team Jacob, Team Edward, or Anti-Twilight?
  14. Where do babies come from?
  15. What's your normal outfit?
  16. What's your favorite season?
  17. Pick one! Quick!
  18. Click here to go to the next step.
  19. This question doesn't affect your score.
  20. I lied, it affected your score. THIS question really DOESN'T affect your score. Not lying. I'm being entirely honest! Trust me?
  21. Pick two!
  22. Dude, what is it with you and saying "yer pants"? This has nothing to do with my pants, or yours!
  23. Do you like honey?
  24. Do you think I should make another quiz?
  25. That last question did affect your score. So ha. What do you dream about?
  26. What does it mean if someone calls you ugly?
  27. "Everything the light touches is our kingdom." What is this from?
  28. Alright, that was an easy one. Now who said it?
  29. And who was he speaking to?
  30. Okay, I think I'm done quoting Lion King [for now]. Now what?
  31. Okay, last question [or so]. If you were accused of murder and went to trial, what would your plea be?
  32. Okay, bye.

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Quiz topic: How random am I?