How random are ya?

Randomness is a great thing some people got it some people (WAFFLES) don't this quiz is here to tell ya if ur random. now get answering those questions!

Hey i said get answering! If ur reading this I'd just like to tell you that there's not point. this is just a random non meaning paragraph! This paragraph is soooooo boring. so just clich the start button or whateva and you know, answer stuff.

Created by: Owen of CPMania
(your link here more info)
  1. Bananas?
  2. did you like that question?
  3. what should be the next question?
  4. Do YoU lIkE tV?
  5. can you say Yawakahakasha?
  6. can you say supercalafragalisticexpialadocious?
  7. is this question weird?
  8. how would you rate ur life on weirdness?
  9. When is ur birthday
  10. Do you think ur random?

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