How Primark are you

There are true people out there who know their stuff, sometimes classed as genius, sometimes classed as elite. Take the quiz and have as much fun with it as I did!

Give this quiz a try it will amaze you on how much you really know about everyone's favourite store. You are a genius in the making... Or are you? Just a few minutes.

Created by: Me
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many stores does Primark have that are open for business as of November 19th 2013
  2. How many countries are Primark trading in as of November 19th 2013
  3. Where was Primarks 1st store outside of Ireland
  4. To the nearest 1000, how many employees does Primark have
  5. In what department is the most expensive item in Primark
  6. Where is Primarks largest store
  7. Which brand doesn't belong to Primark
  8. In which UK county do Primark NOT have a store
  9. In what year did Primark open in Spain?
  10. In June 1969 the first Penneys store was opened where?
  11. Where's the next country that Primark will open

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Quiz topic: How Primark am I