How pretty are you?

Are you pretty? That is a common question. Well now you can find out by answering a few simple questions. It only takes a few minutes to find out the truth.

The truth...hmm what is that? I'm going to guess that that is reality. Will the truth hurt? Or will it be the best news ever. Take this quiz to find out your result.Please comment after.

Created by: Tiffany
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you wear make up
  2. what color are your eyes
  3. what is your natural hair color
  4. your style is...
  5. you want to be a model?
  6. math problem...what is pie
  7. what do you hope to get
  8. why are you takin this quiz
  9. do you like this quiz
  10. last question... do you want to know what you got?

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Quiz topic: How pretty am I?