How Overprotective are Your Parents?

Do you feel like your parents are trying to control your life? That they're just not fair? Or that they expect you to be perfect? This quiz will tell you how overprotective (or underprotective) your parents are and give you some ideas on how to deal with it.

There are four possible outcomes: Overprotective-Your parents are trying to control your life. Mildly Overprotective-Your parents are pretty fair but they have a few unjustified rules. Protective-Your parents are pretty reasonable in their rules but they want you to be safe. Underprotective-Your parents have few or no rules because they want you to be your own person. But they don't realize that without rules, you can't be your best.

Created by: slytherincatlove
  1. First, how overprotective do you think your parents are?
  2. Do you have a curfew?
  3. When are you allowed to have a cell phone? (if you already have one, when did you get it?)
  4. What are the requirements for books you want to read?
  5. What are the requirements for movies and TV shows?
  6. What are the requirements for music?
  7. What's the deal with dating?
  8. Do you get to choose your own clothing?
  9. Friend requirements?
  10. Do you have a bedtime?
  11. Sleepovers?
  12. Do your parents listen to your opinions?
  13. Do your parents read parenting books or magazines?
  14. Why did you take this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Overprotective am Ir Parents?
