How Otaku Are You?

Look! There's some of Otakus there.. Some weaboos, yeah. Take this test and see what results you get! Oh I could say that, calm down and take test..

HOW OTAKU ARE YOU? ARE YOU REAL OTAKU? MAYBE REAL WEABOO? OR BOTH?? If both... You must be rare one, real rare.. Not really that many... So let see result you got!

Created by: No name
  1. How many animes you watched?
  2. How many days you can go without sleep and watch anime?
  3. What anime you wish was real?
  4. What is important to you?
  5. Why you waiting for 6 days?
  6. What could make your bestest day?
  7. Are you afraid of dark?
  8. Did you keep secret that you love anime?
  9. Do you have otaku/weaboo friends?
  10. On Attack on Titan, What team you rather to join?
  11. End question, someone offer you to watch anime ? Or hear of it on Internet?

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Quiz topic: How Otaku am I?