How Obsessed Are You?

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SUPERNATURAL - noun - TV Show about brothers who hunt demons and other figures of the paranormal. OBSESSIVE - noun - someone who has an obsession or obsessions; a person who thinks or behaves in an obsessive manner.

Are you a Supernatural Obsessive? Do you know the smallest details pertaining to the show or do you you need to go back and watch from the beginning again? Take this quiz and find out.

Created by: SPNO
  1. What is located at the co-ordinates 35-111
  2. The shapeshifting Rakshasa demon feeds on what?
  3. In what episode are Dead Zones mentioned?
  4. What was the name of the African American blues singer who, according to urban legend, sold his soul to the devil in exchange for his musical talent?
  5. Which episode does Bobby make his first appearance?
  6. At what time did the clock in Sam's nursery stop on the night he and Dean's mom was killed?
  7. John Winchester was a corporal in the Marine Corps. What was his company?
  8. Which of the following is NOT an ingredient used in Goofer Dust
  9. Which pure metal can be used to repel spirits:
  10. A Crossroad's Demon is also known by what other name?
  11. Which of Azazel's Special Children had a "death touch"
  12. What's the more common name for lycanthropes
  13. How old was John Winchester when he died?
  14. Aside from being a hunter, Jim Murphy also had another calling. What was it?
  15. What was Sam's Law School Admission Test score?
  16. The Impala had 2 different license plates. What are the numbers?
  17. How old was Dean when he killed his first vampire?
  18. What's engraved on the pure iron hunting knife Jo Harvelle inherited from her father?
  19. What member of the Scooby Doo gang did Dean always like?
  20. What's engraved on the Colt's special bullets
  21. What is Bela's real first name?
  22. Who said: "Revenge isn't worth much if you end up dead"
  23. Meg Masters was Azazel's demonic daughter, but what was the name of his demonic son?
  24. Who said: "You're almost hell's b!tch, so you can see hell's other b!tches"
  25. Former witch Ruby sold her soul to the demon Tammi around the time of which historical event

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Quiz topic: How Obsessed am I?