How Nuwaubic Fluent Are You!

Hotep, and welcome to the Nuwaubic Fluency test. This test is designed to make its subjects feel inadequate about what they know. Psyche! Just joking, but it sure is fun seeing how much Nuwaubic people really know after this language has been around for nearly a decade.

Questions are based on topic areas such as conversations, colors, numbers, and a few random words we threw in that you must know the proper translation. So if you're brave enough to try, continue!

Created by: Nwb Outreach
  1. If someone asks you "Akhay atha antuk (antut)" how would you respond?
  2. What does the word "Sayur" mean in nuwaubic?
  3. If someone handed you a "Tafuf", what would you do with it?
  4. "Tamed aw sa'ut Meht Yawum" is what time in Nuwaubic?
  5. Which of the following is the beginning to Prayer of Osirus?
  6. What color is Big Bird from "Sesame Street" in Nuwaubic?
  7. If you had "Tasedeen-arbed Daluraat" in your pocket, how much would you have?
  8. How many fingers do you have?
  9. Your Nuwaubian friend says to you "Nazur ja hatee", what do you do?
  10. You're at a restaurant and you order a fat juicy "Shurbu". What did you just order?
  11. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?

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Quiz topic: How Nuwaubic Fluent am I!