How nice are you to your parnets?

Parnets: They brought you to life. They rasie you. They tought you almost everything you know. Strange as it seems, some people are MEAN to their parnets. But WHY?

Are you nice to your parnets? They're the reson you're alive! Take this little survey to see just how nice (or mean) you are to your parnets. Remember, your parnets are your soucre of life. So be NICE!

Created by: Paula
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you often yell at your parents?
  2. Do you often help your parents around the house?
  3. When you see something you want, you.....
  4. If your parnets ask you to clean your room, do you do it?
  5. Do you listen to your parnet's advice?
  6. You're out on a date. Your parnets say home by 12:00. What time are you home?
  7. On Chirstmas, do you buy your parnets gifts?
  8. Do you ever hurt your parnets?
  9. Your parnets tell you to study. Your grades are fine. You....
  10. And finally: Do you ever lied to your parnets?

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Quiz topic: How nice am I to my parnets?